Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Steve Jobs Dead at 56 & Apple's Influences on Consumer Technology Today

Hello everyone, today in news Steve Jobs Dies at age 56. Steve is the Co-founder for Apple and the genius behind the companies rise to lead the consumer technology market. Releasing overnight hits such as the iPod and iPhone. He suffered from a rare form of pancreatic cancer and took a permanent leave as the CEO of Apple in August of this year.

His influence on the world of technology has left its mark, let’s look deeper into the impact he has had on technologies and the way we communicate.

Let’s take a look at where apple started for me. The iPod, a personal digital music and storage player. Once these hit the market nothing else was better, it made taking your music with you everywhere as easy as wearing your sunglasses. Even someone with limited computer knowledge was able to utilize this, it was also a trend. It was now a statement of fashion and personal expression to be wearing you iPod around. Also with this however came the ability for more people to shut out the world around them. The term iPod has become the name for the "mp3 player". When someone now asks you to borrow your digitally stored music, its is as just "can i borrow you iPod?"

Launched with the iPod was iTunes, the way we store and acquire music changed, now being more easily accessible to many labels and artists that in the past were not, reducing the upfront costs of recording and producing CD's for many and destroying the hard copy sales for others. Now more money is made through digital sales of media, changing the way we acquire our music.

With the iPhone Steve changed what it means to communicate with the world on the go, the average every day person could access information from anywhere, when the blackberry was still thought to be very business oriented. Currently it is still leading the mobile industry in news ways to communicate with each other such as visually with Facetime. Its changing the purpose of the phone being only for communication with individuals, to being our own personal assistant.

The iPad launched the tablet industry and now it’s changing the way we learn in school, and how we read books, and what we can bring with us on the go. Now an endless supply of movies books and material is available to you instantly everywhere. I found it amusing last week to see my friends 4 year old playing with the iPad and being able to bring up games and entertainment faster then I could. It is becoming second nature to them in the way the home computer was to me growing up.

Overall that’s just a bit of a look and my own opinion into how apple has influenced us over these past years. It is interesting to see how these technologies were brought into the mainstream by apple through marketing schemes, targeted at the average individual.

“Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” – Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address


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